Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

masakan kuliner semarang

Soto Kudus di dekat RS Telogorejo; jualnya pagi sampai siang. Kuahnya kental dan sangat gurih, dengan potongan sayur kuchai dan bawang goreng yang banyak. Asesorisnya harus dicoba karena sangat nendang gitu, sate ayam dan kerang yang besar-besar dan mantap, paru goreng yang digoreng crispy.
Soto Selan di Depok. Kuahnya kuning kental dengan tauge. Yang istimewa adalah rempela goreng yang sangat empuk, ayam goreng yang cocok untuk teman makan soto, serta tempe yang digoreng panas-panas (in case tidak panas, Anda bisa minta ke penjualnya untuk versi yang panas ).
Asem-asem Koh Liem di Jl Karanganyar benar-benar die-die must try. Disini yang dihidangkan adalah masakan siap saji, namun dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi (sang empunya – Koh Liem – sendiri tidak segan-segan turun tangan membantu pelayanan ke konsumen. Masakan yang merupakan menu favorit adalah asem-asem daging (lha wong nama rumahmakannya saja pakai Asem-asem), cumi-cumi/kodok goreng/jerohan ayamnya yang disajikan dengan saus kecap inggris yang lezat
BTW, mumpung lagi disana, saya sarankan untuk mencoba kue lekker di pintu masuk SMA Loyola (di seberang Koh Liem), nama penjualnya Paimo. Menu andalannya Kue Lekker Telur Sosis, bila Anda suka pedas, minta dikasih sambal yang banyak (but please be carefull, pedes bener boookkk).. yang prefer makanan ringan, pesan saja Kue Lekker Pisang Coklat Keju, mantappp.. harganya agak lebih mahal, tapi kualitas bahan sangatlah bagus (adonan kue yang lebih kental, keju Kraft, dll).
Pada jalan yang sama, Anda bisa mencicipi Rujak Marem Pak Man. Dia menggunakan potongan pisang hijau (dan terkadang belimbing), kacang, dan terasi dalam pembuatan sambalnya. Bisa pesan rujak iris ataupun rujak cacah (buah dipotong sangat tipis dengan alat pasah, dicampur langsung dengan sambal rujak, dan sangat segar).
Lunpia Gang Lombok harus dikunjungi bagi para wisatawan kuliner di Semarang, tapi yang asyik adalah tetangga-tetangganya.. Anda bisa pesan Es Gang Lombok yang sangat segar(menggunakan manisan mangga, cincao, kelapa muda, dll; lalu pesan Mie Pangsit Goreng Siang Kie dan sebagai penutup, Lunpia Goreng Gg Lombok
Tahu Pong di Jl Gajahmada, dekat perempatan Depok. Tahu pong itu semacam tahu kosong yang digoreng, bisa ditambahkan Gimbal Udang dan Telur; disajikan dengan kuah petis dan bawang dan acar lobak. Ada pula tahu kopyok, yaitu tahu mentah yang dihancurkan dan dicampur dengan telur; lalu digoreng.
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Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

yogyakarta map

Ngrenehan beach

Ngrenehan beach is located at Kanigoro village, Saptosari sub district, abput 30 km at the south of Wonosari city. This beach is gulf that guarded by limestone hill and amazing panorama with the sea waves struck white sand. Visitor's could see the fisherman's activities and get various fried/ grill fishes as souvenirs. In this area about 1 km west of this beach there are Ngobaran and Nguyahan beaches. Every month when the moon is full, Hindu people do Melasty ceremony at Ngobaran beach

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Map Tourism

Drini Beach and Baron Beach

Drini Beach Drini beach is located in the Village Ngestirejo, District Tanjungsari approximately 1 KM to the East coast of Along. Distinguish this beach there is a coral island that grows trees and perhaps Dirini wood can be used as a prophylactic rattlesnake.

Baron Beach

Baron beach is located in the Village District Kemadang Tanjungsari about 23 KM south Wonosari City, the beach is the first of a series found that the Beach Baron, Kukup, Along, Drini, Krakal and Sundak. On this beach, there are underground rivers that can be used for bathing after playing in the sea. In addition, tourists can also enjoy a variety of fresh fish and prepared food, with affordable prices, including the typical beach that is Baron kakap Sop. On the east side can be reached through paths that circle there is a limestone hill, tourists can rest in the depot view, breathe in the water while the beach is refreshing. About 10 KM west of Beach Baron there is Parang Beach Racuk with its hills the tower and steep, challenging adventure and the courage to enjoy the beauty of the sea around the top of the hill from the liberal. In each month suro years bred a new community local fishermen hold ritual meal which is the expression of the sea gratitude to God yield up yan abundant fish and fishing safety in the sea.
Source: www.gunungkidulkab.go.id

Beach Ngrenehan

Beach Ngrenehan Located in the Village Kanigoro District Saptosar less lebi 30 KM to the south City Wonosari. Tourists can witness the activities of fishermen and fish ready to enjoy the food or bring fresh fish as a by-by. Still in one area with the beach Ngrenehan approximately 1 KM in the West there are Ngobaran Beach and Beach Nguyahan. Every full moon on the day of Nyepi in Ngobaran Beach Melasti ceremony conducted in the

Beach Sadeng

Beach Sadeng
Sadeng Beach is located in the Village and Village Songbanyu Pucung District Girisubo around 46 KM from Wonosari, Telaga there is a flute that is believed to the first valley as the river estuary Bengawan Solo Ancient. Beach is also known as the Great Fish landing (PPI), which stages and is supporting the national development of marine fisheries in the province of Yogyakarta. Wisataan can enjoy cooking fish dish or a fresh fish as a by - by the prices

Tourism Beach in Gunung Kidul Regency

Potential of tourism in the District Gunungkidul consists of natural tourism in this tourism beaches, forests, mountains and all the uniqueness of the natural Gunungkidul as unique Karst region. Gunungkidul in District 19 there is a very beautiful beach which is supported with the white sand. Some beaches have been used and developed into tourism, among others, the Beach Baron, Kukup, Krakal, Sundak, Drini, Ngobaran, and cloves.
Beach Wediombo
Wediombo beach is a beach with a panoramic view of nature which is very beautiful, located in the Village Jepitu District Girisubo about 40 KM southeast of the city Wonosari direction. Shaped bays and beaches with a sloping white sand carpet, can be viewed both from the open top of the coastal hills and beaches, making it possible for tourists to enjoy a perfect sunset panorama, also air besides a cool refreshing beach can be trusted to help cure the disease asthma. For Travelers memnacing a hobby can be done in this place where at a certain Panjo many fish that appear along the beach. One Year on the beach once held cultural tradition ngalangi the ceremony with a procession to catch fish using gawar made from the root of the tree wawar as nets that sweep of hills dipancangkan in Kedungdowok and expel together to the sea by the local community. In one region to the coast there are Gremeng Beach, Beach and Island Jungwok bat (an island that is inhabited thousands bat) with the Tracing can be reached about 1.5 KM to the east.

Mount Nglanggeran

Tourism Places in Gunungkidul the famous South Beach, but now from the paiwisata and investors began to look Nglanggeran presence in the area of Mount Patuk, Gunungkidul. Nature tourism is still very natural and not because the traditional built infrastructure to support the tour. However, yesterday on 22 November 2008 and many investors from the tourism office came to see and want to promote the existence of this mountain area of Tourism. On Thursday 27 November date for Journalists were also ready to promote the tourism potential to be a lot of tourists this demand. Then for the day Sunday on 7 December 2008 will also be attended by friends - a friend from a mixture of about 80 students who will see a beautiful scene of Mount Nglanggeran natural and Landscape of the city, Hotel Top Gunung.

Source: Wonosari.com

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Enjoy the Tranquility Beach salira

Enjoy the Tranquility Beach salira
It's the only around  1 Hour 30 Minutes from the Tangerang toll road through Jakarta - Merak made beaches that are in the area of Anyer, Merak very  and surrounding areas to be interesting. As' feeling bosan' will Anyer and the surrounding area, we try browse  elsewhere rich areas of the beach in Banten this Province  Â. Our choice at the time was toward the "north"  Cilegon. Not many of us expect from this search because many already have a little picture akan geographical factors, we decided to visit the beach salira. After passing through the port bridge any Very Merak, the road feels a little off and many angkot waiting passengers in the terminal Merak, not so long you will see the beach pulorida equipped with lodging place, but unfortunately does not look well and seemed to "abandoned". Housing complex power Suralaya interesting enough to rest, there are Beach  the land, and many food vendors, where appropriate to release a little tired driving. Housing is a complex area madiri, have seen the sports facilities, accommodation for the homeless and employees sekolah. Landscape generator Suralaya provide electricity distinctive exotic atmosphere, especially if you have never seen the station's power range. With the speed of relaxation, beach salira akan achieved less than 1 hour from Merak. Unlike the beach in Anyer the rock, Beach salira visible and have sloping sand White is fun to play sand and water, especially if you are with children. Unfortunately there is no where near adequate for this beach menginap.  If you look at the map it will show a detour from the Bojonegara Merak. Plan early to browse the channels, we obtained the information because urungkan damaged roads and not have many places of interest and industry along the road so that roads will be jammed if Jam Pulang concurrently with the work.  While the condition does not have salira beach tourism object Laina and adequate accommodation, with the excess land has a white sandy beach, beach salira is an interesting place to visit with you keluarga. Moreover visit If you are not at the end of the weekend you will get calm atmosphere and secluded.  In return trip you can drop him or Pulorida They place  that is tolerable to enjoy the beautiful sunset. If you're curious, you can see the beautiful scene of the beach salira

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Nature Tourism Gua Gong

Gong cave is located about 30 kilometers southwest of Pacitan, precisely in Bomo Village, District Punung. Access entrance to the tour is good, however, the road that must be crabby because of the mountains. The name is taken from the hill where the cave is located. Perhaps, in the past, people in the area often hear the gong sound a musical instrument Java-hill from it.
The road to tour this area in fact is already segregated recreation. Catenarian gamping caparison rock hill along the left-right side of the road. Curvaceous beautiful way of a sidewalk on the side of the hill make a parallel track along the edge of the teak tree verdure. Dash fresh wind, on the new asphalt. Deliver to the foot of the cave tour parkiran Gong, in the District Punung, Pacitan East Java.
Hot sudden lunge at the body out of the vehicle. I bring to mind that I now reside in one of the most hard in Java. Hard as rock gamping get water to the basics liangnya very difficult to feel for the people there to find setetes water only
Log in to the location, there is a retribution to be paid, at Rp 2,500. Slowly, over a foot climb, the cave door. Along the way to the cave mouth, row of food stalls traders still closed meeting. Perhaps because I come not when the end of the week, so this row to close the kiosks themselves only. Moreover, it is true that not many visitors come at that time. Only seen a group of adult men, who seem to only want to think through penasarannya only to see the bowels of the earth in the area of this village Bomo. Arriving at the mouth of the cave, had stopped by the arrival of tens of local people who offer services. There is a flashlight and offer guide services for the needy. Because already brought headlamp, I bought a guide book for only Rp 3.000, and decided without the alley entrance.
After reading the order, and then we entered the cave with Rubadi pack. First entered the cave, we immediately amazed with the color walls of the cave to golden yellow. Not long after we heard the sound of roaring, the big fan of deliberately placed in the cave some sense to reduce the heat in the cave, if the visitor membludak. Then we entered the first room, the room Sendang Bidadari. In this room there is a small sendang with cold water and clean. In the next room is Bidadari, where the story drift diruangan sometimes shadow a woman beautiful. That we get in Gua Gong, is the scenery and panoramic views in the cave. Inside this cave you can see the various rock protrusion (stalaktit / stalakmit) which is very interesting and the occurrence of a natural process. Various kinds of rock with a cave seepage water drops and this combined with a beam of light colors so that light Spotlight cause that is very amazing. If you are in the cave a little stick, and in quiet situation, the point of falling water, wind buzz following the blind by the ear, giving the atmosphere of conspiracy nirkata-word, ineffable. Or, if the atmosphere that you want to catch more powerful, come morning, when the sun fall down, and some bias to enter the cave, there is no more imagination about the cave, which you can find here.
After reading the order, and then we entered the cave with Rubadi pack. First entered the cave, we immediately amazed with the color walls of the cave to golden yellow. Not long after we heard the sound of roaring, the big fan of deliberately placed in the cave some sense to reduce the heat in the cave, if the visitor membludak. Then we entered the first room, the room Sendang Bidadari. In this room there is a small sendang with cold water and clean. In the next room is Bidadari, where the story drift diruangan sometimes shadow a woman beautiful. That we get in Gua Gong, is the scenery and panoramic views in the cave. Inside this cave you can see the various rock protrusion (stalaktit / stalakmit) which is very interesting and the occurrence of a natural process. Various kinds of rock with a cave seepage water drops and this combined with a beam of light colors so that light Spotlight cause that is very amazing. If you are in the cave a little stick, and in quiet situation, the point of falling water, wind buzz following the blind by the ear, giving the atmosphere of conspiracy nirkata-word, ineffable. Or, if the atmosphere that you want to catch more powerful, come morning, when the sun fall down, and some bias to enter the cave, there is no more imagination about the cave, which you can find here.
Percik Pearl
Entering the first lane in this cave, already felt, beautiful heat start. Catenarian straw (ornament shaped like a straw) scramble to meet the cave ceiling. An expression of welcome for the mahaindah understand. Because the row straw means that a signal can notice, on the other lebatnya jewelry in it. Correct course, after passing lane straw, direct eye disergap this by tens and even hundreds of cave ornaments of different shapes each. Very much I think, more of a set of jewelry that I never see in other caves in this land of Java. All full pack decreased alley cave, decorate the side of each meter. Being a decoration that is not measured by its value, because each ornament can be aged hundreds of years. Saking many ornaments that are in the cave, and it's difficult to mention one by one here. I remember the most gourdyn may be a set of giant, a spot filled with pearls in it. Small dots as thousands firefly only the withdrawal. The atmosphere of the cave that temaram add thousands of exotic pearls that point. Meet each span eyes looked, and, if memejamkan eye, it still left behind thousands of pearl dots meet stupid head.
Gamelan Gong
Journey still continues to enter the alley-alley. Penetrate between the Stalactite and stalagmite. Poles form a high buffer lane, reinforce their presence there. Diselang-selingi rock with thin curtains, cause when you try mengetuknya admiration. Buzz audible sound, the reverb on the entire alley. Apparently this is the reason why this cave is called Gong. Because each of us hit the jewelry in it, will be berdegung voice, a voice similar to that produced gong art typical Javanese gamelan. Until I finally come out of the alley-alley packed summer, and still feel a touch of eye and ear on this. Penetrate vagina thoughts and shaded continue, even es degan (coconut) through esophagus. New tersadar that the beauty of the cave is really a gift of power, given to beautify the area is hard gamping. Approximately one hour we are in a cave, even though the fan is installed, it still feels hot, if still berlama d-old in a cave. The extraordinary phenomenon of nature that created this cave, almost the whole cave, and legend of the value and the physical look is amazing. In addition, if you pay a visit to Gua Gong, you can visit the attractions near. Namely: Gua Gua Putri wasp, Klayar Beach, Beach Ria pupil, and the Coral Beach Watu bathing Hot water Arjosari

Nature Tourism Dieng

Dieng is an area in the plateau region on the border between the District and Banjarnegara Wonosobo regency, Central Java. Village divided into Dieng Dieng Kulon, District Batur, and Dieng Regency Banjarnegara Wetan, District Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo
This region is located approximately 26 km in the north capital of Wonosobo regency, with the altitude reaches 6000 feet or 2093 m above sea level. Dieng cool temperatures in the approaching cold. Temperature range 15-20 ° C in the daytime and 10 ° C at night. In fact, sometimes the temperature can reach 0 ° C in the morning, especially between July-August. The local people call it as extreme temperatures upas bun which means "dew poison" because the moisture is causing damage to agricultural crops. Dieng into a Tourism Destination The Highest in Central Java, which is very unique in the Dieng plateau is a steep and precipitous, but planted by the various plants and vegetables. Since before the Dieng Plateau, located in the Wonosobo district is known as the central range of plants and vegetables, in addition to the morning atmosphere Dieng feel very cool and we do not know when the fog came down to create a better atmosphere mystical.
Landscape Eksotika this area is not doubt, there are many objects Landscape you can enjoy. Telaga Warna as one of the most well visited by tourists, here we can enjoy the 3 kinds of blue lake, green and brown. Although there are many others such as the pit lake Merdada, Sumurup and Pengilon. Besides tourism object Telaga and scenery, we can enjoy the object Architectural History. Here, there are sites ruins ancient Hindu temple that was built along with the wonder of the age with dibangunnya Borobudur, around 8th century BC, first is the center spread of Hinduism in Central Java. Experts believe archeologists Hindu community didataran high Dieng is the beginning of the birth of a dynasty Dinasty build temples in their time in the history of the monumental. Apart from temple ruins, we also find the ruins of the rest - the rest of the kingdom of the past. A unique, temple-the temple is named Dieng figures pewayangan Pandawa Lima. There are four groups of temples and the temple Dwarawati Parikesit, the temple Dwarawati East, Candi Setyaki group, Ontorejo, Petruk, Nala Gareng, and Nakula-sadewa, groups and temple Arjuna, Semar, Sembodro, Puntadewa, and building temples Srikandi.
Group Dieng located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level and is found around the year 1800. Crater high didataran Dieng are still active, because removing the sulfur is still hot and some that have toxic. If you are interested to visit some of the craters are located in this area should ask the people around, craters are quite safe to visit. One of the craters is the famous crater candradimuka, named according to the story of Gatot Kaca dilebur dikawah it. Way to go to this place is up the road and turn very sharply.

Kamis, 23 April 2009

Depok Beach

Depok, Parangtritis area, Bantul INDONESIA
Depok Beach including the beach which is located in the beach area and Parangtritis specifically Depok Beach area became a fishing village. Located approximately 40 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city center, or right in the mouth of the East River Opak. Here visitors can witness the daily life of fishermen as well as purchase fresh fish from the Fish Auction Place (TPI) and Depok Beach Fish Market which operates every day and enjoy masakannya in-stall food stalls available.
Pay attention to local myths that suggest that not wearing clothing that is green because it can be trusted to attract "the strength of" South Sea - Depok beach waves are high and the sea floor berpalung small waves roll up and create a drag and simply dangerous activity for a bath or swim, so not recommended for too far into the sea

Baron Beach

Baron, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta INDONESIA

Baron beach is situated in Gunung Kidul Regency. Coastal bays in the form of a wall diapit by the green hills and coconut trees are. Bay is an estuary of the river under the rocks of the water is quite clear. Baron beach waves quite big, but you can still swim at the beach until the sea boundary is marked with wire rentangan that lie above the bay. To go to this beach, you need to Wonosari through the city, as the district capital, a distance of approximately 40 kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. The road infrastructure of the city Wonosari this is good enough. Serpentine roads and up and down. However, during the trip, you will disuguhi natural Gunung Kidul beautiful. The distance between the beach Wonosari Baron approximately 20 kilometers, with the condition of the asphalt road, across the hills, the famous limestone mountains with a Thousand

Cave Pertapan 1&2

Regions Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta INDONESIA
1 cave hermitage is located in the Pulutan, precisely the beach Pulutan. Goa has a jewelry-beautiful cave ornaments, such as the Stalactite and stalagnit. When we explore this cave, we must walk through the narrow cave and cliffs, steep cliffs of Goa. This is the uniqueness of this cave. As the name suggests, Goa is also often used as a place to be imprisoned, and even still used until now. I wonder, before many people visited the magic in this place. Still have people running around this place, to this cave if you want to be imprisoned or at least calm themselves when the have problems. To come to this place you have to do a special ritual that is holding the breast virgin. After that you can continue into the cave. You still do not believe, please visit your own in this place.

Cave hermitage 2 is also located in the Pulutan, precisely in the cave hermitage 1. Cave hermitage 2 more stick to the sea, so that when pairs of sea water, sea water to enter to participate in the cave. Cave 2 is safe retreat when water entered the sea receding. This cave has been visited by many visitors and as many as 1 hermitage cave, this cave is also often used as a place to be imprisoned until now. Many of the stories are mystical in this place. If you want to reach this place, you have some merelakan your feet wet as to reach this place you must go through the seaside Jungwok. source: www.wediombo.com

Cave Kiskendo

Village Jatimulyo, Girimulya, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta INDONESIA
Kiskendo cave is natural cave in the mountains Menoreh which is located 1200 m above sea level is packed cool. This cave is located about 35 km northwest of Yogyakarta on the hill north of Kulon Progo Regency, which is accessible memalui lane asphalt. Only four-wheeled vehicle is small can be up to this cave. For you who come to the big bus stop in the village must Niten, near the district office Mulyo Giri, about 8 km from the cave. Not far from the mouth of the cave Kiskendo Sumitro there is a cave that has two vertical and horizontal mouth of the river flowing under the land that is clean. Objects this tour is suitable for camping because it is supported with a vast land with a comfortable atmosphere. Kiskendo Cave, located in the village Jatimulyo, District Girimulya, yogyakarta can be achieved with a distance of approximately 38 km or less than 21 km from the city of Wates. Throughout the cave Kiskendo can enjoy natural mountain glamor. Kiskendo Entering the cave, visitors will be greeted by the beauty stalaktit and stalagmite caves such as limestone, in general. According to the legend of first cave is a palace 2 giant named Maesosuro and defeated by the Lembusuro Subali be depicted as the relief in front of the cave.


Garden tour is located 35 kilometers on the western side of the city of Yogyakarta, in the mountains Menboreh. Park consists of Kiskendo cave, cave Sumitro and Blencong stone. Is a natural cave in the mountains Menoreh which is located 1200 m above sea level is packed cooler, and the shape of the situation is very similar to what is implied in the legend of legends in the Palace of cave Kiskendo (which is a fragment from the story of the Ramayana), where a live giant Mahesasura Lembusura buffalo head and the head cow.Deep story pewayangan, where this battle occurred between Subali Sugriwa Mahesasura with the governor and the Lembusura inhabit the cave . addition geological conditions of the cave-cave in the limestone area stone, in Kiskendo this cave there are many stalaktit and stalagmite that strange but beautiful shape. In this cave river flowing under the ground in the story pewayangan, and in between Subali; Sugriwa and Mahesasura; Lembusura, drain off the water red and white.
During a trip to the cave, enjoy beautiful scenery of the valley, a green agricultural land, houses and traditional rural simple pity for not enshrined.

Cave Bentis

Regions Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA

This cave is located in the Bentis, Wediombo beach area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. To face the cave's narrow canyon and the steep-tebingnya make this cave as the cave tour is challenging. Ornament ornament-like beautiful cave Stalactite stalagnit and many menghisi this cave. In addition, in this cave, there are luweng. Luweng is down the river and land on the season, the water in this luweng multiply. So, this cave is better if it crawled on the season only. The uniqueness of stalagnit and stalaktit in the cave is located on the color. Stalagnit color and stalaktit in the cave is much darker than the general stalaktit and stalaknit existing. Specific form of the stalaktit and stalaknit that there is a small aft berbentik bergerombol as root. The beauty of this cave Bentis akan can not meet you in other areas.

Cave Banyusumurup

Regions Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta INDONESIA Banyu Sumurup cave is located in the Bentis. Goa has a face of the cave is big enough, but getting into, the alley is narrow cave. Inside the cave there are luweng the river bottom land, which has a very clear water. Like Bentis cave, the cave is entered when the dry season. This is because the rainy season, water luweng this multiply. This cave has a cave ornaments ornaments-the beautiful and interesting, the Stalactite and stalagnit. In addition, this cave also save a lot of mystical stories. source: www.wediombo.com

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Green Canyon have in Indonesia?

Green Canyon have in Indonesia?

Saturday, December 13, 2008 Jakarta, merdekainteraktif. Com. Green Canyon, the name reminds us that tourism in the region that is located in Colorado, United States. For many foreign tourists to explore local tourist attractions, it is not foreign anymore. No need far abroad because Green Canyon in Indonesia. Only the name that distinguishes between the Green Canyon and Grand Canyon in the United States. Green Canyon is the name of the original 'Cukang Taneuh' is located in the Village Kertayasa District Cijulang, Ciamis, West Java. Distance around 31 km from Pangandaran. In Sundanese, Cukang Taneuh means' land bridge '. For, there is a land bridge on the River Cijulang with about 3 meters wide and 40 meters long that connect the village with Kertayasa village Batukaras. Green Canyon during the nickname given to this Cukang Taneuh because of two things. First, when the dry season river water color looks green Cijulang clear so that the baptism of Green Canyon in accordance with the place. Second, given the name of Green Canyon and Astrid Frank, a tourist home that France and Switzerland in the early 1990s to tour there for the river's estuary in Cijulang Beach Batukaras. During his time in this area, tourists will be invited through the beautiful nature with the boat. The boat was found in the dernaga Ciseureh. The boat will be anchored to the upper waterfall. To achieve the Green Canyon we must grope on pocket money signed in at Rp50 thousand. Price is already included in the rent-to go home from Pangkalan Ciseureuh. Freight boat will feel much cheaper when berombongan come. This tourism object is a river Cijulang that penetrate caves stalaktit with the glamor and stalakmit and diapit by two hills with rocks and trees rimbunnya natural attraction that presents the unique and challenging. Although the summer sun sting, we will still feel cool because a lot of oxygen produced trees. You can also swim in the shallow areas. Can even see the beautiful scenery that is in the eternal rain. In the location that is located along the river Cijulang, we can and must use a swim vest.

Ijen crater

Mount Ijen crater is one tourist destination in East Java, which is always crowded visited by both domestic and foreign tourists. The beautiful natural mountains and cool they often start with how to enjoy camping in Paltuding. At the Peak of Mount Ijen crater lake there is the water green and pro-toska very acid pH. Lake in the southeast there is a field that is solfatara wall and Ijen crater lake in the western part of the Dam there is a crater Ijen, which is upstream from the Times Banyupait.Kawah Ijen was easy to visit or through Banyuwangi Bondowoso. The uniqueness of the main crater Ijen tour than on beautiful nature is a very beautiful view of the traditional mining sulfur transported in a way be appointed manpower. Traditional mining this just seems there are in Indonesia alone (and Welirang Ijen). Expenses that are each seberat per person up to 85kg. The burden of this incredible weight for most people, whereas sulfur transported through the steep wall kaldera and 800m down the mountain as far as 3km. Revenue received by a bearer average 25 thousand rupiah per day, or about 300 rupiah per kilonya. A bearer is usually only able to bring down one time each day, because of heavy work. Several hundred meters, there is a circular building with ancient heritage Netherlands "irrigation Ijen crater", which is now referred to as Post-round, a post where the capacious penambang weight and get secarik paper on cargo and value. Travel tours to Ijen crater, starting from 1600 mdpl, a post at the foot of the mountain Perhutani-Ijen Merapi. From here the way the land continues to climb with a height of 2400m dpl the time of the 2 hour road relaxed. Along the way many meet with the bearer of sulfur exchange friendly greeting. Arrive at the crater's mouth, stunning scenery in front of the eye. Tosca a green lake with Paltuding 1 km diameter berselimutkan fog of smoke and sulfur are far below. excavator-sulfur excavator small visible from above. To go to the page source of sulfur, we need to climb down rocks cliffs kaldera through paths that are mining.

Sabtu, 11 April 2009


TOUR OF AREA AND BEACH Congot reed Address: Kulon Progo 40 km from Yogyakarta. Glagah village, Temon, Kulonprogo

Description: Glagah beach is one beach which is the excellent beach tourism in Yogyakarta. Beach, located in the Kulon Progo Regency has a very good scene with a carpet of sand that becomes iron andalannya. On the beach there is a lagoon which is a tourism Tirta. facilities that have, among other earth camping, gardening, swimming and fishing Dragon Fruit plantation. Congot is a series of beach from the beach Glagah both connect at the beach with a good asphalt road which is approximately about 1.5 kilometers from the coast Glagah.

TOUR OF AREA Parangtritis Beach

TOUR OF AREA Parangtritis Beach
Address: 25 Km South of Yogyakarta, The Village, Kretek, Bantul Description: One area of nature tourism which is also the area of culture and pilgrimage tour, has Parangteritis equip themselves with lodgings - lodging and home - home to eat, and various recreational facilities such as swimming bathing, camping world, and so forth. Tourism that can be visited in this area include: Parang Wedang: A source of hot water that never bermineral dry throughout the year, which is often also used to cure skin diseases. Parang Kusuma: This place is considered as the most sacred place of the whole complex area Parangteritis, where according to belief, and is a meeting place between the King - the king who ruled the kingdom of Yogyakarta kanjeng with Ratu Kidul. This meeting occurs on a rock which is a remnant kegiatanvulkanis in the back (post-volcanic) rock that is an intrusion in the middle of paving sand beach, with the name gilang Watu and the existing facilities such as lodging, Mosque, House meals and toilets High Gambirowati: The high Gambirowati is one of the places that have beautiful scenery to the Beach complex Parangteritis to the high seas and in the surrounding areas. This place can be reached by road along the edge of Parangteritis towards Panggang Langse and Goa, which is a way to climb hills. Gupit hill on this road, often used as a start / jump the sports lovers layang hanging (gantole). Goa Langse: It is a cave hermitage of a concrete alley below the reef, towards the mouth to the high seas. This cave can be reached by a climb down steep rock, and berbatuan through the ladder of rope or bamboo, for the courage required of a prime and special skills. At the time of sea water tide, the mouth of the cave is covered by sea water, so that the entrance to or exit from the cave, can only be done at low tide the sea water. Martial tomb sheik - Belu: There is fishing on the hill, which is considered as a sacred tomb. This cemetery visited by many pilgrims, especially on the day Jumï ¿½ at Kliwon and Tuesday.

Family Gathering 2009 PT. Pertamina

Sentul City - Bogor, Sunday 5 April 2009 PT. Pertamina a family gathering at the Taman Budaya - Sentul City, attended by about 250 people, the event is held in the Local Nature Feel so gay is not only the food and eat and sing, but there are events games - games exclaim him also add events meriahnya Gathering PT. Pertamina, the door is not behind the event which is awaited prize - please wait. this is not the first time PT. Pertamina Event at the Taman Budaya - Sentul City. With a beautiful, green and feel of the mountains in the dressing and add a beautiful event meriahnya PT Family Gathering. Pertamina, ... Then how about you? would try to make the event while enjoying the beautiful mountain atmosphere ...?

Nature Tourism Ujung Genteng Beach, Sukabumi

For you fans coast tour, Ujung Genteng is one of the attractions of the coast ought to visit. Dimusim certain you can pry it is currently laying. Perhaps this is also on the beach, you can join the fishermen catch lobster, the shrimp are pretty tasty once.
Located in the South Sukabumi - West Java, a trip to Ujung Beach Genteng can be for about 3 - 4 hours from the city of Sukabumi use private vehicles. We recommend that you visit there will be prepared with gasoline 'tank full'. Pantai Ujung Genteng actually similar to the beaches that lie on the south coast of Java, but .. You will feel a different experience when enjoying the beautiful beaches extend to the white sand. If you want to spend the night here, the area offers Genteng Ujung villa-villa that can be rented per night. One of the villa so that you can reference a villa Amanda Ratu. Villa I recommend this as well as in the villa has full facilities including a swimming pool. You can choose one of the comfortable villa to relax with the family / colleagues peer. The price also varies and can still be affordable. Photo villa here is one of the villa with 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen that can be rented Rp 600 thousand per night. Simply beautiful is not it?
Nah .. from one corner of the villa, you disuguhi akan estuary of the river, the river edge bertemunya with wide ocean. You do not worry about not getting a tour to the impressive Beach Ujung Genteng. Due to go to the beach this way you will cross the mountain with a zigzag nan natural green left on the right road. Interesting indeed ..