cave cerme
Address: Hamlet Srunggo, Selopamioro Village, Imogiri Sub-district, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Description: Cerme cave is located about about 15 km southeast of the city of Bantul. The length of the cave is all about 1.2 km and the river flows underground for a safe Caving activities. Edge of the cave is a cave Sendang diwilayah panggang.selain main cave there is another place that is used for meditation cave as puppeteer, Ledhek Goa, Goa Badhut, and The Cave. To reach the front gate, cave, visitors must climb the hill melesati skitar759 round. In the evening the town in the north it looks beautiful with the sparkling lights. Goa Cerme Cerme comes from the word

comes from the words that annunciate lecture speech made Walisongo. Cerme cave was used by the Walisongo to spread Islam in Java. In addition, I Cerme also used to discuss the plan of the Great Mosque of Demak. Every Monday or Tuesday wage, syukuran always held a ceremony to ask the blessing of God. Goa this cave, including a long and deep. Main tourist attraction of Goa is a beautiful Cerme Stalactite and stalagmite and the number of bats in the caves than the flow of underground water course. Be drowned cave floor by ground water with average water depth of

approximately 1 to 1.5 meters. This cave consists of many rooms, meeting as the stage, zam zam water, mustoko, holy water, Watu knowledge, pelungguhan / paseban, kahyangan, grojogan Sewu, water penguripan, gamelan, stone gilang, granary, the building sekakap, Palace, the stage, Watu vast cave and hanging.
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