Jumat, 03 April 2009


Delinquent Cave & Hot Cisolok
Cave negligent in the District Palabuhan-queen, or 4.2 km from the city Palabuhanratu. On the right you can see are thousands of bats out of the cave in the afternoon. Meanwhile, heat Cisolok Water District is located in the Cisolok, 17 km from the city Palabuhanratu. You can see the spurt of hot water along the river

Curug Cicurug
Curug Cicurug waterfall that is beautiful and stunning. Waterfall 3 lin-tasan is located in District SURADE, more or less 77 km from the City of Love-earth. There you can tour the river by using the sam-pan or motor boat. Waterfall is one of the interesting tourism worth to visit.

Parks Recreation Cimalati
Tourism is located at the foot of Mount Salak, approximately 33 km from Kota Sukabumi. The attractiveness of this tourism is a source of water that is clean, ornamental fish pond, where children play. Medium-kan enough facilities available variety, such as bungalows, a restaurant, per room meetings, a swimming pool, stage pertun-jukan and more.

Beach Ujung Genteng
Beach is located in District Ciemas, approximately 135 km from Kota Sukabumi. The facilities available such as boat and boat motor. There you can see the panoramic beach and sea with a beautiful deruan waves and can also watch the fishermen who are catching fish. (Source: Office of Tourism Sukabumi)

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