This is the entrance gate area Baturraden tour, which is the first door service for tourists who will enjoy a variety of objects and the attractiveness of travel:
1. Lokawisata Baturraden carpet with nature and range of facilities for rileks and play area,
2. Wanawisata and earth perkemahannya
3. Hot spring: Telu DDD, DDD, and Pitu Goa Sarabadak
4. Pesona waterfall Curug gede, stay home and traditional art in desawisata ketenger.
5. Various means of travel you like: hotels, restaurants, parking area and a wide variety of ornamental plants as cenderamata
Lokawisata Baturraden
Lokawisata Baturraden outward on the foot of Mount Slamet South at an altitude of approximately 640 meters above sea level. Baturraden located only I4 km from Purwokerto city center that is connected with an adequate way. In Baturraden tourists can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and the fresh mountain air with a temperature of 8 ° C I-25 ° C. While the height of Mount Slamet 3.428m, is the largest volcano and the second highest mountain in Java. If the climate is good, the city of Purwokerto, Cilacap and Nusakambangan Beach can be seen from Baturraden. When we see Slamet mountain we can see the slopes of Mount Slamet covered by heterogeneous forest. Recreational park offers natural mountains and desolate valley of waterfalls and decorated hot spring sulfur Shower Telu. This place can also enjoy a variety of children's toys, swimming pool, spa, mini-train, sliding swimming, cycling and water zoo Kalola Widya Mandala.
Wana Wisata Baturraden
Forests as natural resources, where berlindungnya animals-animals, ecology stabilizer and other objects that are sustainable. Wana Wisata Baturraden is a protected forest and recreation, in addition as a means of education and knowledge development can also cause a feeling of love to nature. WanaWisata Baturraden is located 2 km east lokawisata Baturraden. Natural beauty make like tourists because cool mountain air, free from air pollution especially sayup heard a bird chirp-sayup and occasionally seen the partridge fly from one tree to another tree. For teenagers who like special interest tours can also do hiking, camping and tracking ground that are able to accommodate tents, 1000, was made evident with the event jamboree jamboree Regional and National. WanaWisata addition to this reserve as well as production forest and the central hotbed plant resin, mahogany, and pine.
Hot Springs Shower Seven
In accordance with his name is called The Seven Shower or bred in the language called Pitu DDD as a shower has seven natural flow directly from the Mount Slamet. This hot spring contains sulfur bersuhu between 70-90 ° centigrade and some mineral elements. Because belerangnya womb, it is very effective therapy for bone pain treatment / variety of rheumatic and skin diseases. Visitors can enjoy hot spring bath with open or direct dialam-dikamar bathrooms have shower facilities available with hot water from the source DDD Seven. Location of tourism is located in the forest and pine resin that is about 2.5 km west lokawisata Baturraden which can be within walking or kendaraandengan jaraktempuh approximately 5 km from the door gerbangwanawisata.
Hot Springs Shower Three
Similar to DDD Seven only have three different fruit shower only. As for the shape and characteristics with the seven-room dining. Not far from this location there are several bathrooms dialiri water from the three-room dining. For tourists who want the mud to go, sulfur, sulfur mud also available in a variety pack bottle size that can be used for bathing lulur. Tourism is easy to reach because the visitor is in the Lokawisata Baturraden.
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