Gong cave is located about 30 kilometers southwest of Pacitan, precisely in Bomo Village, District Punung. Access entrance to the tour is good, however, the road that must be crabby because of the mountains. The name is taken from the hill where the cave is located. Perhaps, in the past, people in the area often hear the gong sound a musical instrument Java-hill from it.
The road to tour this area in fact is already segregated recreation. Catenarian gamping caparison rock hill along the left-right side of the road. Curvaceous beautiful way of a sidewalk on the side of the hill make a parallel track along the edge of the teak tree verdure. Dash fresh wind, on the new asphalt. Deliver to the foot of the cave tour parkiran Gong, in the District Punung, Pacitan East Java.
Hot sudden lunge at the body out of the vehicle. I bring to mind that I now reside in one of the most hard in Java. Hard as rock gamping get water to the basics liangnya very difficult to feel for the people there to find setetes water only
Log in to the location, there is a retribution to be paid, at Rp 2,500. Slowly, over a foot climb, the cave door. Along the way to the cave mouth, row of food stalls traders still closed meeting. Perhaps because I come not when the end of the week, so this row to close the kiosks themselves only. Moreover, it is true that not many visitors come at that time. Only seen a group of adult men, who seem to only want to think through penasarannya only to see the bowels of the earth in the area of this village Bomo. Arriving at the mouth of the cave, had stopped by the arrival of tens of local people who offer services. There is a flashlight and offer guide services for the needy. Because already brought headlamp, I bought a guide book for only Rp 3.000, and decided without the alley entrance.
After reading the order, and then we entered the cave with Rubadi pack. First entered the cave, we immediately amazed with the color walls of the cave to golden yellow. Not long after we heard the sound of roaring, the big fan of deliberately placed in the cave some sense to reduce the heat in the cave, if the visitor membludak. Then we entered the first room, the room Sendang Bidadari. In this room there is a small sendang with cold water and clean. In the next room is Bidadari, where the story drift diruangan sometimes shadow a woman beautiful. That we get in Gua Gong, is the scenery and panoramic views in the cave. Inside this cave you can see the various rock protrusion (stalaktit / stalakmit) which is very interesting and the occurrence of a natural process. Various kinds of rock with a cave seepage water drops and this combined with a beam of light colors so that light Spotlight cause that is very amazing. If you are in the cave a little stick, and in quiet situation, the point of falling water, wind buzz following the blind by the ear, giving the atmosphere of conspiracy nirkata-word, ineffable. Or, if the atmosphere that you want to catch more powerful, come morning, when the sun fall down, and some bias to enter the cave, there is no more imagination about the cave, which you can find here.
After reading the order, and then we entered the cave with Rubadi pack. First entered the cave, we immediately amazed with the color walls of the cave to golden yellow. Not long after we heard the sound of roaring, the big fan of deliberately placed in the cave some sense to reduce the heat in the cave, if the visitor membludak. Then we entered the first room, the room Sendang Bidadari. In this room there is a small sendang with cold water and clean. In the next room is Bidadari, where the story drift diruangan sometimes shadow a woman beautiful. That we get in Gua Gong, is the scenery and panoramic views in the cave. Inside this cave you can see the various rock protrusion (stalaktit / stalakmit) which is very interesting and the occurrence of a natural process. Various kinds of rock with a cave seepage water drops and this combined with a beam of light colors so that light Spotlight cause that is very amazing. If you are in the cave a little stick, and in quiet situation, the point of falling water, wind buzz following the blind by the ear, giving the atmosphere of conspiracy nirkata-word, ineffable. Or, if the atmosphere that you want to catch more powerful, come morning, when the sun fall down, and some bias to enter the cave, there is no more imagination about the cave, which you can find here.
Percik Pearl
Entering the first lane in this cave, already felt, beautiful heat start. Catenarian straw (ornament shaped like a straw) scramble to meet the cave ceiling. An expression of welcome for the mahaindah understand. Because the row straw means that a signal can notice, on the other lebatnya jewelry in it. Correct course, after passing lane straw, direct eye disergap this by tens and even hundreds of cave ornaments of different shapes each. Very much I think, more of a set of jewelry that I never see in other caves in this land of Java. All full pack decreased alley cave, decorate the side of each meter. Being a decoration that is not measured by its value, because each ornament can be aged hundreds of years. Saking many ornaments that are in the cave, and it's difficult to mention one by one here. I remember the most gourdyn may be a set of giant, a spot filled with pearls in it. Small dots as thousands firefly only the withdrawal. The atmosphere of the cave that temaram add thousands of exotic pearls that point. Meet each span eyes looked, and, if memejamkan eye, it still left behind thousands of pearl dots meet stupid head.
Gamelan Gong
Journey still continues to enter the alley-alley. Penetrate between the Stalactite and stalagmite. Poles form a high buffer lane, reinforce their presence there. Diselang-selingi rock with thin curtains, cause when you try mengetuknya admiration. Buzz audible sound, the reverb on the entire alley. Apparently this is the reason why this cave is called Gong. Because each of us hit the jewelry in it, will be berdegung voice, a voice similar to that produced gong art typical Javanese gamelan. Until I finally come out of the alley-alley packed summer, and still feel a touch of eye

and ear on this. Penetrate vagina thoughts and shaded continue, even es degan (coconut) through esophagus. New tersadar that the beauty of the cave is really a gift of power, given to beautify the area is hard gamping. Approximately one hour we are in a cave, even though the fan is installed, it still feels hot, if still berlama d-old in a cave. The extraordinary phenomenon of nature that created this cave, almost the whole cave, and legend of the value and the physical look is amazing. In addition, if you pay a visit to Gua Gong, you can visit the attractions near. Namely: Gua Gua Putri wasp, Klayar Beach, Beach Ria pupil, and the Coral Beach Watu bathing Hot water Arjosari